105 years of St. Pat’s


Missouri S&T’s first St. Pat, George Menefee, in 1908.

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  1. Scott Preston says

    This is great! Has anyone talked about putting this in a book format? I would purchase one today!!

  2. Bob Andreae says

    I don’t recall an “n” in Charlie Fehlig’s last name.
    Bob Andreae, BSME ’69

  3. Mary Helen Stoltz says

    Thanks for pointing that out, Bob. We fixed it.

  4. Daniel Ryan says

    This is terrific! The S&T Archives and the staff of Wilson Library always do such a great job! Thank you so much for this!

  5. Dick Boyett CE 58 says

    I was guard for two St Pats. Don McGovern and I are still great friends today.