Elyse Carter is the trombone section leader for the Missouri S&T Marching Band. Photo by B.A. Rupert
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It’s not a football field. It’s a marching field that the band lets the football team use sometimes.”
That is the perspective of Elyse Carter, trombone section leader for the Missouri S&T Marching Band.
Each band member practices several hours a week learning, and then perfecting, their music and marching formations. It is a lot of work for about an eight-minute halftime show. However, Carter doesn’t mind.
“Band is great. It’s like a family in a lot of ways,” says Carter, a senior in architectural engineering from Grover, Mo. “Everyone welcomes new members when they join and we all end up hanging out even outside of practices.”
Carter started playing an instrument in sixth grade. She chose the trombone, loved it and continued playing throughout grade school. At her high school, concert band members were also members of the marching band, so she had to quickly adapt and learn to multitask.
“At first it was a little bit of an adjustment, but you start by learning the marches first, then the music,” Carter explains. “It is easier as you go along. I was eventually chosen as a section leader in high school too.”
Carter’s dedication to her music shows in her schedule. Not only is she a full-time student, she also works part time and is the treasurer of the S&T Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI). She still finds time to consistently practice and get her section prepared for Saturday night performances.
“It helps that I am a fan of football and S&T’s team,” says Carter. “The band is a big part of the football games. We pump up the crowd and build team spirit. We are the brass cheerleading squad.”
Story by Peter Ehrhard
Video by Terry Barner
I love the spirit that the band brings to the game!