Mr. Fixit

Thanks to Dan Fuhrmann, Missouri S&T students can make bicycle repairs right outside the library.

Thanks to Dan Fuhrmann, Missouri S&T students can make bicycle repairs right outside the library. Photo by Sam O’Keefe.

Cyclist Dan Fuhrmann, owner of Route 66 Bicycles in Rolla and a 1999 mechanical engineering graduate of Missouri S&T, wants to make S&T the model of a bicycle-friendly campus. To help make things easier for campus cyclists, Fuhrmann donated a Dero Fixit stand, an ADA-compliant bicycle-repair station. It was installed outside Curtis Laws Wilson Library last fall.

“When I was a student, bicycles were technically banned from campus, although the rule was rarely enforced,” says Fuhrmann, former president of the Missouri S&T Cycling Club. That has changed and Fuhrmann wants to make it known that S&T is a bicycle-friendly campus. “Bicycle infrastructure is a great investment and I realize that. I hope to bring others on board.

“Anyone can use the stand to perform repairs or adjustments on their bicycle, or more importantly, stop for a quick shot of air in their tires,” Fuhrmann says. It includes a pump with a gauge and also has most of the tools necessary to perform minor adjustments.

“If it helps people ride their bikes more often, then it’s a net positive for the campus as a whole.”

By Mary Helen Stoltz


  1. Thank you Danno!