All set for a well-rounded life


Jenny Costello plays on the Lady Miner volleyball team and is a chemical engineering major. Photo by B.A. Rupert

To say Jenny Costello has gotten a well-rounded education at Missouri S&T is an understatement. Costello, a chemical engineering senior from St. Louis, has been able to take what she’s learned in the classroom and transfer it to the volleyball court and to her recent trip overseas.

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Pop quiz!


This year’s freshman class at Missouri S&T. Photos by B.A. Rupert

The 142nd freshman class — plus more than 380 transfer students — have descended upon the Missouri S&T campus. Although the majority already call Missouri home, they also represent more than 30 states and six foreign countries.

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Brittney Lynn Abel


Brittney Lynn Abel, a senior in psychology, is involved in a number of organizations at S&T. Photo by B.A. Rupert

Brittney Lynn Abel: senior in psychology

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Groovin’ in a Gremlin


Senior Carl Lacy is a long-time Gremlin fan. Photo by B.A. Rupert

When he was 14, Carl Lacy found what would turn out to be his first car in a Kansas City junkyard. It was buried under lots of, well, junk. Lacy could only gain access to the gas cap, which had a little gremlin figure on it. He pocketed the cap.

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Meghann Morrow


Senior Meghann Morrow at S&T’s Fitness Center. Photo by B.A. Rupert

Meghann Morrow: senior in applied mathematics

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Farouk El-Baz: remote-sensing guru


Photo of Dr. El-Baz courtesy of Boston University Photography

The area known as the Sea of Tranquility turned out to be the spot. Missouri S&T graduate Farouk El-Baz used remote sensing to help NASA officials determine that this was where the Eagle would land on the moon back in 1969. Later, the producers of Star Trek: The Next Generation celebrated his work by naming a spacecraft, El-Baz, after him.

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It’s a long jump to London


Photo on left: Tyrone Smith competing in 2008, by Pam Francis

For many athletes, getting one opportunity to compete in the Olympic Games is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.

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Kedra Dierking: Digging in to geothermal


Kedra Dierking, a senior architectural and civil engineering major, is digging deep into Missouri S&T’s geothermal energy project. Photo by B.A. Rupert

Kedra Dierking‘s parents recently converted their home in Union, Mo., to a geothermal energy system. Like many home improvement projects, it involved some retrofitting and rearranging. But that conversion pales in comparison to Dierking’s summer project on the S&T campus.

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Building a Miner nation


Bradley Distler of Jefferson City, Mo., a senior in civil and architectural engineering, gets assistance from a child in Tacachia, Bolivia, where the team has been working on a water distribution system. Photos submitted

Sometimes it takes a community to care for a village …

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Fireworks and more


Paul Worsey instructs campers on fireworks safety. Photo by B.A. Rupert

Watch the video: 

Paul Worsey is an explosives expert. He’s been known to blow up watermelons and other objects for fun, but, as a professor of mining engineering at Missouri S&T, he also teaches students about the science behind creating various explosions.
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Sounds interesting …


Recent graduate Peter Shilliday assembled a theater organ in his dorm room. Photos by B.A. Rupert

When you think of a stereotypical dorm room in a residence hall, theater organs don’t typically come to mind.

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