Defying gravity


Pictured from left: Jon Hilsher, a senior in mechanical engineering from Maryland Heights, Mo., and Peter Carnesciali and Kevin King, who are quoted in the story below. Photo and video courtesy of NASA

Miners in Space team members were flying high this past summer during a weeklong trip to Houston that included flights aboard NASA’s Weightless Wonder aircraft, part of the agency’s Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program.

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Magnus’ opus


Sandra Magnus, Missouri S&T alumna, suits up for space. Photo credit: NASA

UPDATE: Dr. Magnus and crew glided to a landing at the Kennedy Space Center early the morning of Thursday, July 21, safely back to Earth from the International Space Station, ending the U.S. shuttle program.

The last space shuttle flight launched July 8, and a Missouri S&T grad is an important part of the mission. “It only takes about 8.5 minutes to get into our initial orbit,” says NASA Astronaut Sandra Magnus. “But it’s an exciting 8.5 minutes!”
Magnus and three other astronauts are aboard Atlantis for the historic flight. They are the final four astronauts to orbit in a space shuttle.

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