Building a bridge of the future

Graduate students (from left) Alex Griffin, Eli Hernandez and Hayder Alghazali took part in all phases of the design and construction of a new highway bridge that uses new longer-lasting concrete beams developed at Missouri S&T. Photo by Terry Barner.

From left, graduate student Alex Griffin and Ph.D. candidates Eli Hernandez and Hayder Alghazali work with professor John J. Myers on the design and construction of a new highway bridge that uses new longer-lasting concrete beams developed at Missouri S&T. Photos by Terry Barner.

Watch the video with John J. Myers:

The Highway 50 corridor that connects Jefferson City, Mo., to Union, Mo., will get upgraded into four lanes by spring 2014, but it’s a new and improved three-span bridge that’s capturing all the attention.

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Why not be a rocket scientist?

Graduate student Anan Takroori enjoys teaching kids about science and technology. Photo by B.A. Rupert.

Graduate student Anan Takroori enjoys building planes, rockets and satellites. Photo by B.A. Rupert.

Anan Takroori appears in a video about S&T’s summer camps:

Seven years ago, Anan Takroori left his home in Palestine with his eyes set on earning an aerospace engineering degree. He landed at St. Louis Community College for a few years before transferring to Missouri S&T in 2010.

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#ThankfulMiners share their attitude of gratitude

Photo by B.A. Rupert.

From left: Byron Erard, Vicki McKinney, Grace Deitzler and Mario Ceron. Photo by B.A. Rupert.

There’s something in air this time of year. It’s not just the cooler nights or the leaves falling on the upper quad. Close your eyes and you can feel it. Thankfulness.

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Defying gravity


Pictured from left: Jon Hilsher, a senior in mechanical engineering from Maryland Heights, Mo., and Peter Carnesciali and Kevin King, who are quoted in the story below. Photo and video courtesy of NASA

Miners in Space team members were flying high this past summer during a weeklong trip to Houston that included flights aboard NASA’s Weightless Wonder aircraft, part of the agency’s Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program.

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Name that building

Ever get curious about the people behind the names for campus buildings and athletic facilities?  S&T has honored dozens of people whose influence has helped shape the campus, building it into one of the nation’s top technological research universities. Their stories are legendary — at least within our Miner Nation.

Test your knowledge of Missouri S&T’s buildings. More than 250 students earned perfect scores on the quiz, and 42 were randomly selected for prizes.

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Engineering … with a twist


Wesley Hackett could be considered a sort of Rubik’s Cube connoisseur. Photo by B.A. Rupert

Wesley Hackett knows a good problem when he sees it. And he loves problems. Perhaps that explains why he’s a huge fan of the Rubik’s Cube, the iconic 3-D puzzle from the 1980s. In fact, he has at least five different models of the twisting object, from the simple 2×2 Mini Cube to a V-Cube 7 that has more than 200 pieces.

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A new chain of command

From left: Milana Taylor, Kathryn Hendricks and Mandy Grogg became the Army ROTC Stonehenge Battalion’s first all-female chain of command. Photos submitted

When Milana Taylor, Kathryn Hendricks and Mandy Grogg were appointed to lead the university’s Army ROTC Stonehenge Battalion last fall, the trio became the battalion’s first all-female chain of command. [Read more…]

Tune in to KMNR

Rebecca Mosley and James Veerkamp broadcast their radio show “First Invent the Universe” on KMNR. Photo by B.A. Rupert

Inside a small studio in Altman Hall, a handful of students can be found at all hours with headphones on their ears and a microphone in their faces.

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Prehistoric rocks offer clues about climate change


Wan Yang (left) with  Xiaorong Luo of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, at a site where they study sedimentary rocks in the Tarim Basin. Photo submitted

For most of the past decade, Wan Yang has spent his summers camping and hiking in the Bogda Mountains in northwest China, collecting rock samples that predate dinosaurs by millions of years. His goal? To better understand the Earth’s climate history and gain clues about future climate change. [Read more…]

Northern exposure


Kayla Billadeau paraglided in Vancouver, Canada, while working as an intern for ConocoPhillips in Alaska. Photos submitted.

Kayla Billadeau has always had a bit of a “can-do” kind of personality, even before becoming salutatorian of her high school’s graduating class. But Billadeau has kept it up throughout her time at Missouri S&T, completing five internships at companies like ConocoPhillips and The Disney Co. When she graduates this year, the mechanical engineering major will join her sister in becoming first-generation college graduates.

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105 years of St. Pat’s


Missouri S&T’s first St. Pat, George Menefee, in 1908.

View the slide show: